Tuesday, March 20, 2007

More New Pictures of Me

Well since we have moved from Michigan to North Carolina, I thought I would let my friends know what I have been doing......
I eat my rice cereal in my high chair, I am rolling over and over all through the house and I think I have a tooth coming through my gums because they hurt a lot and it feels good when I chew on my fingers or anything else I put in my mouth....
I miss all of my friends - Myles, Cooper, Trent and those really cute girls Vanessa and Lauren ;)
Bye for now!

My Half Birthday

I am half way to eating a cake all by myself! Well my mom tells me I will have my own cake on my first birthday. Whatever that is, it sounds yummy and I can't wait :)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

You're Fired

As I say holding my Boo Bear............

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Oh What a Day.....

I have been very busy these past few weeks. I had to give my toys and crib to these men who packed up all of my things, I only had a few sets of clothes to wear (again - all of my things were packed away), so when my mommy put me in my friend Vanessa's high chair, I just could not take it any more and decided to take a small nap. I guess everyone laughed and took a few pictures of me. I was a good egg about it all, I woke up soon after and cried like the dickens for awhile. That will show them to take my picture while I am resting :)