Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Jackson's First Haircut

Well he finally had his first haircut at 20 months old!! Dad and grandma took Jackson to a place just for kids. Here is how it all went down....

I'm not so sure about this....

Oooh bubbles make it more fun!

Just a little off the sides please....

Almost done.

The first locket of hair and he received a certificate too!

Man I look good!!

One Month Old

I turned one month old on May 16th, I am getting bigger and stronger every day!

The Fountain at Birkdale Village

Boy was this me awhile to get used to it, but then lookout I am here to play!!

Next time I want to bring a bucket or something fun to fill....

Carnival Time

I had a great time at the carnival last weekend when my grandma Jeanne came to visit.
Here I am at the petting zoo....

My attempt to ride a pony, it did not last long.

Let me out!!!

Nice bunny........

Hmmm...what is a llama? They look cool...

Ainsley was just as excited

I had fun climbing up in the bouncy ride

Our Check-Ups

Jackson had has 18 month check-up at almost 20 months old, dr office said he did not need 18 mo but then they changed their policy so I took him in for a check-up. In any case here are his stats:

Weight: 22.14 lbs - soooo close to 23 lbs. He is in the 10th percentile of the weight category
Height: 33/12 inches - no change since 15 months - which is good since he gained weight. He is in the 85th percentile of his height category
Head: 19 inches around - 50th percentile

Ainsley had her 1 month appointment this Monday. Here are her stats:

Weight: 9 lbs 7 oz - 1 oz shy of 2 lbs since she was born - 50th percentile
Height: 21 1/4 inches - 50th percentile
Head: 14 1/4 inches around - 25th percentile

So they are growing and healthy but we have a very picky eater in Jackson and a very good eater in Ainsley.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Getting to know each other

Well Ainsley and me are really getting to know each other and I must say, I like her a lot. No, no I love her a lot!!! I am so glad she is here, I like to talk to her and give kisses, but mommy and daddy are always telling me to be careful , don't sit on your sister! OK, I'll be more careful!!