Monday, July 23, 2007

10 Months and Counting!

I spent my 10 month pre-birthday with my friend Tinsley who is 1 day older than me. We are getting sooo close to our 1st Birthday's!!! I can't wait for cake.

I also have to report that one of my front teeth came in, that makes 5 now. It is a big tooth that really, REALLY hurt coming it. I am so glad that is over, no more teething right???

An update on my weight. My mom took me in to get weighed today and I am now 19 pounds, 15th percentile in weight. That is 1 pound and 2 oz heavier than last month. At least I am gaining and not losing any.....bye bye for now....

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Happy Birthday AMERICA!!

And my Papa too, I wish we could have been with him on his birthday. But since this was my first of many 4th of July holidays, I'll share my pictures with everyone....we had fun. There was a pool party, BBQ, band, boat race and a belly flop contest. I was too young to enter....I hope everyone had a great holiday celebration!!